The world changes in an instant. A few hours ago, the sun was shining and it seemed that it was going to be sunny all day, but then, at 4ish this afternoon, it suddenly went dark, the sky roared, and all over was rain, glorious rain. Yeah, my computer froze all of a sudden with more than 20 windows open, I was in danger of losing my work, the internet suddenly went dead ... but hey, when the rain beckons, one must yield. So instead of grumbling and panicking, I just left everything behind and went outside to see the show. As I stared at the sky, at its rage, its fury, I just felt this incredible sense of calm descend into me, and then I remembered the last time I communed with the sea ... I stood neck-deep in water, and waited for the waves to come. And when they did, wow, what joy, to feel yourself part of that power ... exhilarating, enlightening ... it's God ... it's the Ocean Mother.
I don't know what it is, but I have this long-lived love affair with water, which leads me to believe ... if there *is* such a thing as reincarnation, I must have been part of the sea in my past life.